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It said my credit card couldn't be processed, but I know it works.The number one issue that people have when using their credit card is an incorrect billing address. Currently we have controls in place that verify a card based on the billing address, so if the billing address is wrong, the card is rejected. Remember, the billing address is the address that receives the credit card bill. It may be different then your shipping address. Other than that, ensure that all information was typed correctly. If problems persist beyond 3 attempts, please call us 800-854-1672.
It looks like I have been charged twice for an order! What is going on?When a person processes an online transaction, the amount of the order is deducted from that persons credit card limit as an "authorization hold". This happens even if the credit card is rejected. Repeated order attempts that are rejected can continue to increase the "authorization hold" amount. These charges will "fall off" a cards credit limit within a few days. More information can be found here.
What if I want to order more then 9 of a particular study guide?Currently our website prevents you from ordering more then 9 of a particular study guide. Why? We offer special rates to SAACS groups in good standing or book stores looking to buy in bulk. If you are interested in ordering more then 9 study guides, call us at 800-854-1672. What chapters should I study for my exam?This can depend on which specific exam you are taking. We have several different types of General Chemistry exams which are released in different years. There will be slight differences in what content is covered in the different exams, so we recommend talking with your professor about this question. Both the General Chemistry and the Organic Chemistry are designed for the full-year course. Do you have study guides for inorganic, biochemistry or analytical chemical?Not at this time. We have an interest in producing a study guide for biochemistry, inorganic and analytical chemistry, but these products are not yet developed. We do, however, have an online practice exam for analytical chemistry that can be purchased on this site. (a) Can I download the study guide? (b) Where else can I purchase the study guides?
We have not equipped the study guide to be downloadable. Technology to allow this is always improving, so perhaps someday this will be an option. Many college bookstores purchase study guides in bulk, so you can always check with bookstores in your area. We are not in a position to know stock inventory at locations around the country, so if you call our office to ask if a bookstore in your area has the study guide you want, we probably are not going to be able to help you.
Do you take returns or buy back any study guides?No. Because our study guides are paperback, they are often not in good enough shape to be sold to another customer by the time they make two trips though the shipping via UPS. Do I have to pay shipping charges for each book I order?Yes, shipping costs are fairly high for the first book, essentially to put a package in the system, but adding a second book changes our cost relatively little, so we charge much less for each additional book. How much per book depends on the type of shipping method chosen. Do I need to make a customer account to check out of the website?No. Currently the website is configured to allow a user to create an account if they want, but it is not mandatory.
How long will it take for my book to arrive if I choose ground shipping?
We ship from Colorado using UPS as our delivery service. Please visit their website for estimated ground shipping to your area. https://www.ups.com/maps |